Support our Dee to the Sea fundraising campaign
December 20, 2019

Big Moves for Greyhope Bay (a look back at an amazing year)

Greyhope Bay is a new movement, since the launch of our collaborative community membership framework in July of this year we have raised over £116,000, we did this together - thank you!

As we close out the year for the festive season, we’re taking a look back on a year that saw Greyhope Bay shift from selling a product ‘a dolphin watch building’ to re-rooting the project and our fundraising in our core values of community empowerment, experience and connection for all and making a change for the environment.

In doing so, we have been overwhelmed by a deep sense of gratitude and what has been accomplished in a matter of months through the immense support of our growing community.  

This includes funds raised through all membership levels from ADMIRALS, SKIPPERS to CREW and an ever-evolving cross community collaboration that has led to our investors getting in on the ground, supporting fundraising events and our individual Skippers who have shaped our programme and strategy.


We are thrilled to announce our three newest ADMIRALS who have joined us since October. A big welcome to TAQA, Balmoral Group and Clarksons all of whom are excited to get stuck in and on site with Greyhope in the new year.

This leaves us with just TWO Admiral spots (at £15K each) to close our foundational investors group and hit our Admiral funding target in early 2020 readying Greyhope to open at Torry Battery in summer!


Our SKIPPERS are the power house of Greyhope Bay. Whether biking, baking, hosting pub quizzes, treasure hunts or Santa stand-up paddles, our SKIPPERS are leading Greyhope Bay creating fun events for everyone to get involved, inspiring new ideas and shaping our ‘make a change’ programme.  

We’ll be announcing our 3rd wave of Skipper fundraising in the New Year that will see us through to an exciting spring event. You can join our SKIPPER community, take a seat at the table and help us deliver on Greyhope's vision ideals and goals  – we meet weekly at Foodstory to brainstorm and support each other on the Greyhope journey

“As a Greyhope Skipper I’ve enjoyed the weekly meetings and the amazing energy that it produces. The group brings together all kinds of interesting people and has a genuine community spirit. I was able to offer ideas and suggest ways to improve connections and accessibility to the site.



Our Corporate Skippers are making a splash organising events and beach clean-ups to raise funds and engage their employees with our community.  

We warmly welcome our three newest Corporate Skippers, Union Square, Aberdein Considine and Inverdee House (Joint Nature Conservation Committee, Scottish National Heritage, Scottish Environmental Protection Agency) who have joined the ranks in recent weeks.

to everyone who has supported the project so far
We’re looking forward to all that is to come in 2020


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