Support our Dee to the Sea fundraising campaign
February 1, 2020

License to Occupy Torry Battery

Photo credit Karine Peyre @thatlittlephotography

Big News

On Monday, Aberdeen City Council granted our project a 5 year lease for a peppercorn rent of £1 a year - another decisive show of support from Aberdeen City Council for our community-led project - thank you! This means that our project can officially occupy Torry Battery and have secured one of the last pieces of this joyous puzzle.

In Touching Distance

Since August of last year we have raised just over 80% of our funding - £139,000 in total, £116,000 of which was specifically raised through community membership and engagement - with this community effort we are in touching distance of delivery.

We're SO close and we're ready!

Our build and design team are now readying to break ground as soon as we reach our capital funding target, that means finalising walkway designs, appointing main contractor, choosing low energy fittings and low energy coffee machines (this one is tricky) , sourcing toilets, procuring rainwater harvesting technology, a biomass stove and so on.

We need your help to get us the short distance over the finish line

We have just £40,000 left to reach our capital funding goal and our community is mobilising to get Greyhope Bay over the line creating opportunities for business, individuals and local leaders to join in and take action.

It's easy to get involved!

DONATE at this link

JOIN our Skipper community to help organise engagement and fundraising events - meetings held on Thursday’s 5-6pm upstairs @Foodstory. Read More


BECOME a foundational investor and join our set of 10 Greyhope Bay Admirals. Read More

What are we fundraising for?

A community led project that will create a low impact viewing centre, cafe and outdoor experience that will provide a welcoming place at Torry Battery to come and enjoy the natural, marine and historical environment on our doorstep.

Our aim is to create opportunities for communities to:


Connect to our marine world, our visiting dolphins and marine wildlife, our city’s story and connection to the sea

For the city and what we can collectively achieve as communities including our commitment to a zero-impact build, plastic neutral centre, circular business model and educational programme as a community led project

Join our community and making a change for our marine environment.

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