Support our Dee to the Sea fundraising campaign
December 20, 2019

Success by Collective Effort and Community

‘Dolphins at the Battery’ at Torry Battery

My it has been an exciting few weeks!

We got out there and shared our planned move to Torry Battery with ‘Dolphins at the Battery’ (a phased development that will provide immediate facility in 2019 with a wildlife watching platform and cafe and a unique way to bring an historic monument back to life).

And you lot sure got excited, with an emphatic thumbs up to our plans as we graced the front pages of papers and fluttered across social media, TV and radio.

It was the work in the background that made it happen.

Going live with our plans was tied to reaching a significant milestone to delivery – submitting a full planning application. Working back from an open date of June 2019, the deadline was set for planning submission and press statements, and my god our team and supporters know how to pull together and get stuck in! They enabled the project at every turn.

This is the crux of the project’s success, a massive collective effort and community of support by those who are led by a resonance with the Greyhope Bay concept (re-imagining and re-shaping Aberdeen’s connection to our coast and natural heritage), imagining more for the city and offering heart, hard work and expertise to contribute and be a part of making it happen.

This was proved again as the plans went out far and wide, with organisations across the city reaching out offering help in-kind, and physical contributions.

Before we break for the festive season, we wanted to thank each and every one of you for your contributions, feedback, insight and support to reach this significant milestone – it has been quite an amazing year thanks to you!

We also wanted to brief you on our ‘Christmas Wish List’ and how you can contribute in 2019 so that together we can get this done.

Let’s go all out ‘Challenge Anneka’ style with a community project delivered by the collective effort of the city of Aberdeen.

With consent procedures in process place, we’re turning to the wider community to help knock a few items off our list, can you make a contribution and play an active part in the project?

  • containers for conversion (2 x 40ft)
  • timber for cladding and decking
  • glazing
  • solar panels
  • outdoor furniture

Get in touch if you think you can help!

A big thank you and Merry Christmas!

Bring on 2019!


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